





Title: “360 Launches First-of-its-Kind AI Practical Security Mega-Model in China, Pioneering Industry Innovation”

Keywords: 360, AI Security, Mega-Model

News Content:

Beijing, Recently — Renowned domestic cybersecurity company 360 has unveiled the country’s first AI-driven, practical security Mega-Model 3.0, marking a new milestone in China’s application of AI technology in the security sector. This innovative move aims to leverage advanced large language model technology to provide stronger technical support for cybersecurity defense and drive innovation across the industry.

According to 360, the Security Mega-Model 3.0 is an integration of deep learning and natural language processing technologies, enabling real-time analysis, prediction, and response to various cyber threats while offering intelligent solutions. The launch reinforces 360’s leading position in the security domain and signifies the deep integration and application of AI technology in the industry.

As reported by Sina Tech, the unique strength of 360’s Security Mega-Model 3.0 lies in its practical application capabilities, allowing it to respond promptly to complex changes in the digital environment and effectively counter unknown threats. This innovative technology adoption is set to enhance China’s overall cybersecurity defense level, providing more comprehensive and intelligent protection for individual users and corporate organizations.

360 underscores that AI technology is not only a powerful tool for security defense but also a critical driver for industry transformation. The company vows to continue integrating AI technology with security measures to spearhead the future development of the cybersecurity industry through innovation.


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