中新财经北京4月19日电 (记者 葛成) 近日,一则“车企员工因购买并宣传其他品牌汽车被辞退”的消息在网络引发热议。据网友爆料,其在购买小米SU7创始版后,被原单位极越汽车以违反竞业协议为由强制解除劳动合同。对此,极越汽车在官方渠道发表声明,否认了这一说法,称网传信息与事实不一致。
News Title: “Auto Company Fires Employee for Buying Rival Car? Jiyue Auto Responds: Not the Case”
Keywords: Non-compete agreement, auto company termination, employee car purchase
News Content:
BEIJING, April 19 (Xinhua Finance) – A recent report claiming that an auto company employee was fired for purchasing and promoting another brand’s car has sparked heated online discussions. According to netizens, an individual, surnamed Yao, was terminated by Jiyue Auto for breaching a non-compete agreement after buying a Xiaomi SU7 Limited Edition. Jiyue Auto has since issued a statement through official channels denying the claim, stating that the online information does not align with the facts.
In its response, Jiyue Auto clarified that the termination of employee Yao was not due to the purchase of a Xiaomi vehicle but confirmed that non-compete agreements are indeed in place with its staff. Non-compete agreements are a common practice for businesses to protect trade secrets and maintain a competitive edge, typically restricting employees from engaging in competing work during their employment or for a specified period after leaving.
Despite Jiyue Auto’s denial of a direct connection between the termination and the car purchase, the incident has ignited a public debate on the legitimacy of non-compete agreements. Legal experts have pointed out that the enforcement of such agreements must adhere to laws and regulations and should not infringe upon employees’ rights. Unless an employee’s actions using a competitor’s product negatively impact their original company’s business, purchasing and using products from other brands in their leisure time would not typically violate a non-compete agreement.
As of now, employee Yao has not publicly responded to the incident, and the full details remain under investigation. Jiyue Auto vowed to respect the law, handle the matter appropriately, and called on the public to view the balance between non-compete agreements in corporate management and employees’ rights in a rational manner.
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