**中新健康讯** (记者 梁钦卿) 2024年4月12日,川渝地区迎来了一场重要的健康盛会——川渝肿瘤防控大会。本次大会在重庆市召开,恰逢全国肿瘤防治宣传周的第30个年头,即4月15日至21日。会上,众多肿瘤防治领域的专家学者齐聚一堂,共同探讨癌症防控策略,并向公众发出强烈的早诊早治呼吁。





**XINHUA HEALTH NEWS** (Reporter Liang Qincheng) On April 12, 2024, the Chongqing-Yu’an Tumor Prevention and Control Congress marked an important health event in the region. Held in Chongqing, the conference coincided with the 30th year of the National Cancer Prevention and Control Week, running from April 15 to 21. Gathering experts and scholars from the field of tumor prevention, the conference focused on cancer control strategies and emphasized the importance of early detection and treatment.

Experts underscored that cancer has become a major public health challenge globally and in China, with early diagnosis and treatment being crucial for improving survival rates and reducing mortality. They called on the public to enhance awareness of cancer risks, undergo regular health check-ups, and understand their individual risk of developing cancer to facilitate early identification of potential signs or precancerous conditions.

During the conference, participants shared the latest research findings and clinical experiences, proposing scientific recommendations for cancer prevention and early intervention. They highlighted that a healthy lifestyle, regular screenings, and scientific treatment methods are the “three pillars” in the fight against cancer. Moreover, they emphasized the need to enhance public health education and increase the普及率 of cancer prevention knowledge as a key priority.

The Chongqing-Yu’an Tumor Prevention and Control Congress aimed to advance cancer control efforts in both regions and across the nation. Through academic exchanges and collaborations, it sought to improve tumor diagnosis and treatment standards, safeguarding the health of the population. The successful convening of the conference is expected to positively contribute to raising the societal awareness of the significance of early detection and treatment of cancer.


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