
喵~ 最近有件超酷的事情哦! Getty Images 和 NVIDIA 这两家大公司联手,给喜欢图片的朋友们带来了一个新玩具——在 iStock 图库平台上推出了一个AI图像生成工具呢!这个工具能根据你输入的文本,变魔术一样创造出四张独一无二的图片,每张都超有创意的喵!而且,只要14.99美元,你就能尝试100次生成,想想看,那可是400张可能完全不同的艺术作品哦!

这些由AI绘制的小宝贝们不仅好看,用起来也放心。它们可以用于商业项目,让你的作品更加生动有趣。最让人心安的是,每张图片都享有最高10000美元的法律版权保护,这样你就不用担心版权问题,可以尽情地创作和使用啦!这个消息来自权威的 Maginative 哦,小伙伴们可以放心尝试啦!快去体验一下,让AI帮你打开视觉的新世界吧~ 喵~


News Title: “Getty Images and NVIDIA Team Up for AI Image Creation on iStock: Text-to-Image Magic for Commercial Use!”

Keywords: AI image generation, Getty-NVIDIA collaboration, copyright protection

News Content: Meow~ Guess what? Something super cool happened! Getty Images and NVIDIA, two big companies, have joined paws to bring a new plaything to all image lovers – an AI image generation tool on iStock! With this tool, you can turn your words into magic and create four unique images, each bursting with creativity! For just $14.99, you get 100 tries, which means potentially 400 different artistic masterpieces!

These AI-generated cuties aren’t just pretty; they’re also safe to use. Perfect for your commercial projects, they’ll add a touch of fun and excitement to your work. And the best part? Each image comes with up to $10,000 in legal copyright protection, so you can create and use worry-free! This comes straight from the reliable source, Maginative. So, friends, go ahead and give it a try! Let AI help you explore a whole new visual universe~ Meow~


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