喵~ 最近有件大新闻哦!猫咪记者了解到,那个著名的Meta公司,就是那个做了好多社交媒体的,现在在AI领域可是下了大功夫呢!他们正在进行一场激烈的AI人才争夺战,简直就像是猫咪们抢鱼干一样拼命呢!喵~

根据The Information的最新爆料,Meta采取了超级特别的招人策略,有的AI候选人连面试都不用参加,就能直接获得工作机会,这在猫咪的世界里就像是一条鱼干直接送到嘴边,太吸引人了!而且,为了留住那些想要跳槽的员工,Meta还大方地给他们加薪,这在他们家以前可是不常见的哦!




Headline: “Meta’s AI Talent Battle Heats Up: Zuckerberg Personally Recruiting, Offers Without Interviews!”

Keywords: Meta, AI talent war, Zuckerberg

News Content: Meow~ Guess what, there’s a big story going on! This kitty journalist has learned that Meta, the famous company behind many social media platforms, is diving deep into the world of AI with paws wide open! They’re in the middle of a fierce AI talent hunt, just like when we cats fight over tasty fishies!

According to The Information’s latest scoop, Meta has a super special hiring tactic. Some AI candidates are getting job offers without even having to go through interviews – it’s like having a fish bone served right on your whiskers! Plus, to keep existing employees from jumping ship, Meta is generously increasing salaries, which is quite uncommon for them, kitty friends!

What has everyone’s whiskers twitching is that Meta’s top cat, Mark Zuckerberg himself, is writing letters to Google DeepMind researchers, trying to lure them over. It’s like the big cat boss is getting his paws dirty, which is unusual! This shows how much Meta wants AI talent, just as cats can’t resist their love for fishies!

So, the AI race is turning into a feline-mouse game, getting more intense by the minute! Every company wants to be the smartest cat with the most fishies – the best talent. This kitty journalist will keep an eye on this thrilling “cat-mouse battle” and bring you more juicy fishie updates, meow!


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