喵~ 喵喵,好消息来啦!中国电信的星辰语义大模型TeleChat-7B,那个超厉害的聊天机器人,已经决定开源啦!就在1月10日,他们开放了足足1T的清洗数据集,让所有的开发者都能一起玩耍哦!不仅如此,中国电信还预告说,1月20日会有更大的惊喜,12B版本的模型也将开源,这真是个拥抱开源生态的温暖举动呢!这个星辰大模型是由中电信人工智能科技有限公司精心打造的,用1.5万亿个中英文词汇训练出来的,智慧满满哦!IT之家的报道说,这将极大地推动大模型生态的共建和发展,让技术的光芒照耀每一个角落。喵,真是太棒啦,我们一起期待更多的创新和合作吧!喵~
Meow~ Meow-meow, guess what? China Telecom’s huge language model, TeleChat-7B, that super smart chatbot, has decided to go open source! On January 10th, they unleashed a gigantic 1 Terabyte cleaned dataset for all the developers to play with! And wait, there’s more, kitty-cats! On January 20th, they’re teasing an even bigger surprise – the 12B version will also be open sourced. Such a warm hug for the open-source ecosystem, right? This magnificent Starry Semantic Model is crafted by China Telecom AI Technology Co., Ltd., trained with 1.5 trillion Chinese and English words, so it’s super smart! According to IT Home, this will greatly advance the co-construction and development of the large model ecosystem, shining the light of technology everywhere. Meow, isn’t that just pawsome? Let’s purr together in anticipation of more innovation and collaboration! Meow~
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