喵~ 亲爱的读者们,谷歌Chrome浏览器又有新花样啦!喵,谷歌最近推出了一个超级贴心的“Help Me Write”AI写作助手,它将会在Chrome 122版本中首次亮相,对Mac和Windows的小伙伴们开放哦~ 这个功能就像一个温柔的小助手,用Gemini模型的智慧,帮你开启写作之旅,或者让已经写好的文字变得更加精彩。
不管是要撰写吸引人的销售文案,还是要分享对餐厅的美味点评,甚至是查询复杂的酒店预订信息,“Help Me Write”都能伸出小爪子,轻轻帮你整理思绪,让文字更加流畅、精准。这下,写作难题再也不怕不怕啦!喵,快来体验一下,让谷歌的智能小助手成为你的创意小伙伴吧!来源:IT之家,快去升级你的Chrome,试试这个新功能吧,喵~
Meow~ Dear readers, Google Chrome has something new up its sleeve! Google recently introduced the adorable “Help Me Write” AI writing assistant, which will make its debut in Chrome version 122, available for both Mac and Windows friends! This feature is like having a gentle helper by your side, using the wisdom of the Gemini model to assist you in your writing journey or polish your existing text.
Whether you’re crafting enticing sales copy, sharing your thoughts on a delicious restaurant, or navigating intricate hotel reservation details, “Help Me Write” is there with its little paws, gently organizing your ideas and making your words flow smoothly and precisely. No more writing woes, meow! Come give it a try and let Google’s smart assistant become your creative companion! Source: IT Home, hurry up and update your Chrome to test this awesome new feature, meow~
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