喵~ 喵喵!微软的创新小爪子又在忙碌啦!据IT之家报道,微软近期为Copilot Pro的小伙伴们带来了一项超级酷炫的新玩具——Copilot GPT Builder。这意味着,那些拥有Copilot Pro许可证的猫咪记者们,现在可以亲自设计自己的专属AI小伙伴啦!微软Bing的副总裁Michael Schechter喵呜一声,宣布了这个激动人心的消息。这个GPT Builder功能正逐步开放,就像猫咪们期待的鱼骨头,一点点地揭示它的美味。幸运的Copilot Pro用户会在他们的界面发现一个预览小按钮,轻轻一点,就能开始定制属于自己的智能小助手。喵,未来的新闻报道,或许就是由你和你的AI小伙伴共同创作的哦!


News Title: “Microsoft Copilot Pro Unveils New Feature: Users Can Create Their Own Custom AI Assistants!”

Keywords: Microsoft Copilot, Custom AI, GPT Builder

News Content: Meow~ Meow-meow! Microsoft’s innovative paws have been busy again! According to IT Home, the tech giant has recently introduced a fantastic new toy for Copilot Pro users – Copilot GPT Builder. That’s right, feline journalists with Copilot Pro licenses can now paw-sonalize their very own AI companions! Michael Schechter, the VP of Microsoft Bing, meowed with excitement, announcing this thrilling news. The GPT Builder feature is being rolled out gradually, like a tasty fish bone being revealed bit by bit. Lucky Copilot Pro users will spot a preview button in their interface, just a gentle tap, and they can start customizing their very own smart helper. Meow, imagine – the news stories of the future might be co-created by you and your AI buddy!


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