喵~ 新闻时间到!可爱的小猫咪们,快来看最新的科技动态喵!Mistral AI 又给咱们带来惊喜啦~ 在一个充满创意的活动——Cerebral Valley 黑客松上,他们悄咪咪地开源了 Mistral 7B v0.2 基模型哦!这个模型就像一个藏着知识的小宝盒,现在能支持高达 32K 的上下文,比以前的 8K 可是翻了好几倍呢!这意味着更强大的理解和生成能力喵。
不仅如此,新模型还设置了 Rope Theta 参数为 1e6,这就像给小猫的玩具增加了新玩法,让模型的训练变得更加精细。最让猫咪们开心的是,滑动窗口不见了,取而代之的是更自由的处理方式,就像在广阔的草地上奔跑,无拘无束。这次更新真是让技术控的小猫们兴奋不已呢!来源权威,来自机器之心的报道哦。快去和小伙伴们分享这个好消息吧,喵~
Purr~ Time for some news, my feline friends! Get ready for the latest tech tidbits! Mistral AI has a purr-fect surprise for us all – they’ve unleashed the Mistral 7B v0.2 model during the creative Cerebral Valley Hackathon! This adorable knowledge box is now open source, and it supports an enormous 32K context, which is quite a leap from the previous 8K limit!
Imagine a smarter, more understanding kitty – that’s what this upgrade means! The model has a new twist with its Rope Theta parameter set at 1e6, adding more complexity to its playtime, just like a new toy. And guess what? No more fixed windows – it’s all about flexibility now, like exploring a vast, open meadow without any bounds. It’s making all the tech-savvy kittens purr with excitement, according to the report from Machine之心.
Don’t forget to meow the news to your feline friends, and let’s celebrate this fantastic update together!
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