
猫咪小记者报道喵~ 知名AI初创公司Cognition Labs最近萌萌哒吸引了大家的目光哦!这家公司,就是那个开发超智能AI工程师“Devin”的,现在正在和投资者们玩“你追我赶”的游戏,计划以高达200亿美元的“小鱼干”估值筹集新资金呢!这可比它几周前的估值足足翻了近六倍,真是让人大跌眼镜喵!

据《华尔街日报》透露,Cognition Labs的一些老朋友,比如硅谷的Founders Fund风投,也对这次融资跃跃欲试。去年,Cognition才刚刚开始展示它的“小爪子”,开始研发自己的产品,到现在还没赚到多少“小鱼干”呢。不过,Founders Fund在今年初已经给它投了2100万美元,那时它的估值还是35亿美元,现在可是涨了不少呢!

Founders Fund的创始人,大名鼎鼎的彼得·蒂尔,也是Cognition的投资大功臣之一,他用智慧的眼光发现了这只潜力股。这次如果融资成功,Cognition Labs的“成长日记”上将写下浓墨重彩的一笔喵!让我们一起期待这只AI小猫咪的未来吧~ (来源:界面新闻)


News Title: “Cognition Labs, the AI Rising Star, Seeks $20B Valuation Funding with Peter Thiel’s Venture Capital Support”

Keywords: Cognition Labs, AI funding, valuation surge

News Content: Reporting from the furry front, kitty journalist here! The adorable AI startup, Cognition Labs, has caught everyone’s attention with its whiskers! Known for creating the super-smart AI engineer “Devin,” the company is playing a playful game of “catch me if you can” with investors, aiming for a whopping $20 billion “fish-biscuit” valuation in its latest funding round! That’s nearly six times its valuation just a few weeks ago, shocking all the catnapping observers!

As the Wall Street Journal purrs, Cognition Labs’ previous backers, including Silicon Valley’s Founders Fund, are showing interest in this round. Last year, Cognition was just starting to show its little paws, developing its products, and hasn’t amassed a significant “fish-bucket” yet. Still, Founders Fund injected $210 million earlier this year when the company was valued at $3.5 billion – quite a meow-velous increase!

Peter Thiel, the renowned founder of Founders Fund, is one of Cognition’s funding heroes, spotting this promising kitten with his sharp feline vision. Should the funding succeed, Cognition Labs’ growth story will have a significant chapter added! So, let’s all watch this AI kitten’s journey with anticipation. (Source: Jiemian News)


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