喵~ 喵喵!最近有个超棒的新闻哦,ChatGPT 更新啦!现在它有了一个叫做“Read Aloud”的新功能,可以将文字变成好听的声音读出来呢。这个功能是由 OpenAI 推出的,他们在 ChatGPT 的网页版和手机应用上都添加了这个选项,无论是 iOS 还是 Android 用户,都可以享受到这个服务哦。

Read Aloud 真的是个语言小天才,它能识别37种不同的语言,就像小猫的耳朵一样灵敏,能自动分辨你输入的文本是哪种语言。而且,这个功能对 GPT-4 和 GPT-3.5 都适用,这意味着聊天体验变得更加生动有趣了。想象一下,那些精彩的文字故事,现在都能由 ChatGPT 用温暖的声音娓娓道来,是不是觉得特别贴心呢?

这个消息来自于 The Verge,是不是觉得 ChatGPT 又变得更智能、更贴心了呢?下次使用时,别忘了试试这个新功能,让 ChatGPT 用它的小嗓音给你读故事吧!喵~


Meow~ Meow-meow! Guess what, there’s some fantastic news! ChatGPT has gotten a new update. It’s called “Read Aloud,” and it turns written words into lovely spoken voices. This awesome feature comes from OpenAI, and they’ve added it to both the web version and the mobile app, so whether you’re an iOS or Android fan, you can enjoy it.

“Read Aloud” is like a linguistic prodigy, it can recognize 37 different languages, just like a kitty’s ears can tell all sorts of sounds apart. It automatically detects the language of the text you input. Plus, it works with both GPT-4 and GPT-3.5, making the chatting experience even more lively and engaging. Imagine ChatGPT narrating those wonderful stories in a warm voice, it’s just purr-fectly thoughtful, isn’t it?

The news was reported by The Verge, and it shows that ChatGPT is getting smarter and more cuddly, don’t you think? So next time you chat, don’t forget to try this new feature and let ChatGPT read you a story with its cute little voice! Meow~


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