中新网3月25日电 据路透社报道,法国外交部当地时间24日表示,正在同法国国防部一道组织政府包机从海地撤侨。法国外交部透露,由于海地局势持续紧张,为了保护法国公民的安全,决定采取撤侨行动。据悉,包机将尽快起飞,将当地法国公民接回国内。
Title: France Initiates Haiti Evacuation Operation
Keywords: France Evacuation, Chartered Flight, Haiti Crisis
News content: French diplomatic authorities have confirmed that they are working with the French Defense Ministry to organize a government-chartered flight to evacuate French citizens from Haiti. According to the Foreign Ministry, the decision to evacuate was made due to the ongoing instability in Haiti, with the aim of ensuring the safety of French nationals. It is reported that the chartered flight will take off as soon as possible to transport French citizens back to their home country.
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