Title: Li Yanhong’s Prediction: Future Programming Languages to Consist of Only Chinese and English
Keywords: Programming Languages, Wienet Large Model, AI Development
News Content:
During the March 9th episode of “Dialogue” on CCTV, Li Yanhong, the founder, chairman, and CEO of Baidu, made several thought-provoking predictions. He stated that as technology advances, there will no longer be a need for professional programmers because everyone, capable of speaking, will possess programming abilities. Li believes that in the future, programming languages will be reduced to two: English and Chinese. He further noted that Wienet Large Model 4.0, developed by Baidu, has surpassed the capabilities of GPT-4 in the Chinese language domain. He demonstrated this by showcasing the creative writing abilities of AI, such as generating poetry, which he emphasized is something that GPT cannot achieve.
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