中新网3月21日电 当地时间3月21日,《联合国气候变化框架公约》第二十八次缔约方大会(COP28)主席苏尔坦·贾比尔在哥本哈根气候部长级会议开幕式上向全球气候领导人和部长们致辞,强调各国应加强持续性集体气候行动。
Title: COP28 President Calls for Enhanced Climate Action
Keywords: Climate Action, Collective Responsibility, Sustainability
News Content:
On March 21, Sultan Al Jaber, President of the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), addressed global climate leaders and ministers at the opening of the Copenhagen Climate Ministerial Meeting. Al Jaber emphasized the need for sustained, collective climate action by all countries.
During his speech in Copenhagen, Al Jaber highlighted the urgency of the global climate crisis and called for countries to not only fulfill their commitments but also to take additional action to achieve global climate goals. He also stressed the needs of developing countries and proposed the need for enhanced international cooperation to support these countries in their efforts to adapt and mitigate climate change.
The Copenhagen Climate Ministerial Meeting serves as an important platform for dialogue and cooperation on climate action among nations. Al Jaber emphasized three points in his address: the need for all countries to work together and assume collective responsibility for addressing climate change; the importance of ensuring the sustainability of climate action, meaning that actions should not only mitigate climate change but also promote economic development and social justice; and the establishment of an effective global climate governance system to oversee and facilitate the achievement of national climate targets.
The meeting comes at a critical moment for global climate action, as countries are required to reassess and strengthen their climate commitments in the face of the ever-increasing challenge of climate change. Al Jaber’s speech has provided direction for global climate cooperation and set the tone for the upcoming COP28 conference.
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