
中新网北京3月20日电 记者从应急管理部网站获悉,根据国务院安委会2024年度安全生产工作部署,从3月上旬至3月底,国务院安委会组织22个综合检查组,对全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团开展了一季度安全生产明查暗访。



英文标题:State Council Safety Commission Launches National Safety Inspections for First Quarter

Keywords: Safety Production, Onsite Inspections, Comprehensive Inspection Teams

News Content:
BEIJING, March 20 (Xinhua) — The State Council Safety Commission has organized 22 comprehensive inspection teams to conduct safety inspections across the country from early March to the end of March, according to a statement on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Management.

The inspections, which are part of the commission’s 2024 safety inspection and assessment plans, aim to implement the central government’s safety production decisions and deployments, strengthen safety production responsibilities, and prevent and reduce various types of production safety accidents.

The teams will focus on key industries such as coal, non-coal mines, hazardous chemicals, construction, transportation, and fire safety, using methods such as listening to reports, checking documents, on-site inspections, and random spot checks to thoroughly identify safety hazards and urge corrective measures.

The commission has stressed that the inspection teams must strictly adhere to work discipline, maintain a problem-oriented approach, and assume a sense of responsibility to ensure the effectiveness of the inspections. At the same time, local authorities are required to cooperate with the inspection teams and take immediate measures to rectify issues and potential hazards found during the inspections to ensure that safety production measures are effectively implemented.


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