中新网3月20日电 据中央气象台网站消息,3月20日至23日,新疆中北部部分地区将迎来小到中雨或雨夹雪的天气,高海拔地区可能会有中到大雪,局部地区甚至可能出现暴雪或大暴雪。紧接着,从3月23日至25日,一股新的冷空气将影响中国中东部大部分地区,预计将带来4至6摄氏度的降温,部分地区降温幅度可达8至10摄氏度。请广大公众注意天气变化,及时增添衣物,做好防寒保暖措施。
英文标题:Cold Snap to Bring Snow and Rain to Xinjiang, Followed by Temperature Drop in Central and Eastern China
英文关键词:Xinjiang snowfall, cold wave, temperature drop
BEIJING, March 20 (Xinhua) — China’s National Meteorological Center reported on Monday that a cold front is expected to bring snow and rain to parts of northwestern China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from March 20 to 23. High-altitude areas could see moderate to heavy snowfall, with local blizzards possible. The cold snap will then sweep across central and eastern China from March 23 to 25, bringing a drop in temperatures ranging from 4 to 6 degrees Celsius, with some areas recording decreases of up to 8 to 10 degrees. The public is advised to prepare for cold weather and take precautions against the chill.
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