中新网漳州3月14日电 (林惠宝)为加强消防监督执法检查,福建省漳州市消防救援支队近日披露,该支队已启动消防安全集中除患攻坚大整治行动。行动重点针对“九小场所”、多业态混合生产经营场所、人员密集场所和高层住宅等,旨在消除潜在火灾隐患,确保公众安全。
Title: Zhaozhou Fire Department Launches Comprehensive Safety Inspection Campaign
Keywords: Fire Safety, Hazard Elimination, Inspection and Rectification
News content:
Zhaozhou City, Fujian Province, China – The Zhaozhou City Fire Rescue Brigade has disclosed that it has initiated a comprehensive fire safety inspection campaign to rectify potential hazards. The campaign focuses on “nine small places”, mixed-use production and business sites, densely populated areas, and high-rise residential buildings. The aim is to ensure public safety by eliminating fire hazards.
During the inspection campaign, fire safety officials have conducted on-site inspections, guidance, and enforcement actions. The campaign has resulted in the exposure of fire safety hazards and violations at 15 locations, with strict measures being taken to rectify these issues.
The Zhaozhou City Fire Rescue Brigade has indicated that it will continue to strengthen public education and training on fire safety to raise awareness and maintain a stable fire safety situation in the city.
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