中新社北京3月14日电 (记者 张素)中国最高人民检察院14日通报中国国家开发银行原党委委员、副行长周清玉涉嫌受贿、利用影响力受贿一案进展。经最高检指定,吉林省长春市人民检察院近日已向法院提起公诉。
英文标题:Former Deputy President of China’s Development Bank Indicted for Bribery
英文关键词:Bribery, Influence Peddling, Indictment
BEIJING, March 14 (Xinhua) — China’s Supreme People’s Procuratorate (SPP) on Monday announced that Zhou Qingyu, former member of the standing committee of the Party committee and deputy president of China Development Bank, has been accused of taking bribes and using his former position to seek benefits for others in exchange for money.
The SPP said Zhou had taken advantage of his positions to help others and illegally accepted money and gifts, the total amount of which was enormous. These acts constitute the crime of bribery, the SPP said.
After leaving office, Zhou was also accused of using his former status to influence other government officials to provide improper benefits to interested parties in exchange for large amounts of money, which constitutes the crime of accepting bribes through the use of influence.
Zhou’s alleged crimes seriously violated national laws and regulations, tarnished the image and credibility of government officials, and had a negative impact on society. The prosecutors have initiated a public prosecution against Zhou in accordance with the law, which is an important measure to uphold the dignity of the law and judicial impartiality.
The case is currently under further trial, and the court will hear the case in accordance with the law and make a judgment based on the trial results.
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