近半热门新闻网站屏蔽 OpenAI 爬虫
一项由路透社研究所进行的研究表明,截至 2023 年底,全球 10 个国家的热门新闻网站中,近一半 (48%) 屏蔽了 OpenAI 的爬虫,而近四分之一 (24%) 屏蔽了谷歌的 AI 爬虫。
该研究对 50 个国家的 100 个热门新闻网站进行了分析,发现 OpenAI 的爬虫被屏蔽的比例最高,其次是谷歌的 AI 爬虫。研究还发现,屏蔽 OpenAI 爬虫的网站主要集中在欧洲和亚洲,而屏蔽谷歌 AI 爬虫的网站则主要分布在美洲和非洲。
研究人员认为,新闻网站屏蔽 OpenAI 爬虫的原因可能是担心其爬取敏感信息或用于训练人工智能模型。此外,一些网站可能认为 OpenAI 爬虫会对网站的性能产生负面影响。
OpenAI 是一家专注于人工智能研究的公司,其开发的 ChatGPT 等人工智能模型在过去一年中引起了广泛关注。这些模型能够生成类似人类的文本、翻译语言,甚至编写代码。
谷歌是全球最大的搜索引擎公司,其开发的 AI 爬虫用于抓取网络上的信息,以改善其搜索结果。
研究人员表示,新闻网站屏蔽 AI 爬虫可能会对人工智能的发展产生负面影响。他们呼吁新闻网站与人工智能公司合作,找到既能保护隐私又能促进人工智能发展的解决方案。
**Headline:** News Sites Block AI Crawlers, Hindering Access to Information
**Keywords:** Website Blocking, AI Crawlers, News Restrictions
Nearly half of popular news websites block OpenAI’s crawler, a studyby the Reuters Institute has found. As of late 2023, 48% of the top news sites across 10 countries blocked OpenAI’s crawler, while nearly a quarter (24%) blocked Google’s AI crawler.
The study analyzed 100 top news websites in50 countries and found that OpenAI’s crawler was the most frequently blocked, followed by Google’s AI crawler. The websites that blocked OpenAI’s crawler were primarily located in Europe and Asia, while those that blocked Google’s AI crawler were mainly in the Americas and Africa.
Researchers suggest that news websites may be blocking OpenAI’s crawler due to concerns about it scraping sensitive information or being used to train AI models. Additionally, some websites may believe that OpenAI’s crawler could negatively impact their website’s performance.
OpenAI is a company focused on AI research, and its AI models, suchas ChatGPT, have gained significant attention in the past year. These models can generate human-like text, translate languages, and even write code.
Google is the world’s largest search engine company, and its AI crawler is used to crawl the web for information to improve its search results.
Researchers argue that the blocking of AI crawlers by news websites could have negative implications for the development of AI. They urge news websites to work with AI companies to find solutions that protect privacy while also enabling the advancement of AI.
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