Title: Medical Convoy Intercepted by Israeli Army for Seven Hours
Keywords: medical convoy, interception, seven hours
News content:
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said that on February 25th, an Israeli army intercepted a medical convoy led by the World Health Organization when it’s evacuating patients from a hospital in Gaza. The medical staff were searched and detained for at least 7 hours.
The convoy was scheduled to transfer patients to another hospital for treatment. However, they were intercepted by the Israeli army on the way and detained for a long time. The medical staff were unnecessarily searched and the supplies on the vehicles were also checked.
Israel’s move has severely hampered the work of the medical convoy. Patients cannot be transferred and treated on time, with their life safety threatened. It also brings difficulties to the work of medical staff, weakening their confidence to continue humanitarian rescue work.
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs strongly condemns Israel’s improper behavior and urges it to stop obstructing the normal work of medical convoys and ensure that patients can receive timely and proper treatment.
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