Title: China’s Residents’ Health Indicators Enter the Forefront of Upper Middle Income Countries
Keywords: Health level, Medical progress, Data statistics
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On February 28, the National Health Commission released the latest data showing that China’s main health indicators of residents have entered the forefront of upper middle income countries. Specifically, as of 2023, China’s infant mortality rate has dropped to 4.5‰, the mortality rate of children under 5 years old has dropped to 6.2‰, and the maternal mortality rate has dropped to 15.1/100,000. This shows that China’s medical standards and public health service capabilities have been significantly improved, and the people’s sense of gain, happiness and security have been further enhanced.
The next step is to continue to increase investment in medical and health services. Adhere to the guidelines of prevention first, strengthen the construction of the primary medical and health service system, so that various medical and health indicators continue to maintain the standards of upper middle income countries.
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