Title: Exercise Caution in Adopting Technology, Focus on Humanistic Development
Keywords: artificial intelligence, social responsibility, technology ethics
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It was recently revealed that OpenAI is developing a project called Feather, which aims to simplify AI application development. Though not officially launched yet, information shows that it could become a powerful AI platform.
No matter Feather or other AI projects, technology itself is neutral. What’s important is how we adopt such technologies prudently and responsibly. AI developers should consider systems’ social impacts and ensure they don’t exacerbate existing social problems. Regulators should also establish mechanisms to tighten oversight over technologies that may cause adverse consequences. We need to strengthen public awareness of technology ethics, and build a sound legal system.
As we develop technology, it is even more vital that we cultivate a humanistic, just and responsible technological culture. Only then can artificial intelligence truly benefit mankind, rather than the opposite.
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