Title: Wuhan Emergency Departments See Spike in Fall Injuries, Doctors Advise “Penguin Walk”
Keywords: Emergency Fall Injuries, Penguin Walk, Travel Advice
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Recently, emergency departments in several hospitals in Wuhan have reported a significant increase in patients with falls and external injuries, while the number of patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents and respiratory diseases has not shown a noticeable rise. This phenomenon has attracted the attention of medical experts, who believe it may be related to the cold winter weather and slippery ground conditions.
In winter, the drop in temperature can cause the ground to freeze, making it easy for pedestrians to lose balance and fall. Additionally, the heavy clothing worn in winter can also hinder movement, increasing the risk of falls. Doctors in Wuhan are reminding citizens to be extra cautious when going out in winter, to minimize unnecessary outings, and if they must go out, to wear slip-resistant shoes and try to walk in a penguin-like gait to enhance stability and reduce the risk of falling.
The doctors also suggest that citizens should engage in more indoor exercises to strengthen their bodies, improve balance, and reaction speed during the winter. For families with elderly or young children, particular attention should be paid to their safety, ensuring they do not walk on slippery surfaces to prevent accidents.
In response, hospitals have increased staffing in emergency departments to ensure they can promptly and effectively handle patients with fall injuries. Hospitals are also using media and community outreach to spread knowledge about preventing falls in winter, raising public awareness of safety.
In summary, winter is a peak season for falls, and citizens should be vigilant and take effective measures to ensure their and their family’s safety.
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