Title: Wealthy “Little Pumpkins” Grown by “New Farmers” in Taishan
Keywords: New Farmers, Little Pumpkin, Path to Wealth
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In Taishan, Guangdong, a group of entrepreneurs known as “new farmers” is opening a door to wealth through the cultivation of a seemingly ordinary little pumpkin. This small pumpkin not only brings substantial income to local farmers but also becomes a highlight of rural revitalization.
According to a report from China News Service on February 22, this variety called “Taishan Pumpkin” has been cultivated in the Taishan area for decades. However, in recent years, with the participation of “new farmers,” this traditional agricultural industry has received a fresh boost. They use modern planting techniques to improve the yield and quality of pumpkins, making the “Taishan Pumpkin” in high demand in the market.
The “new farmers” also sell pumpkins through e-commerce platforms, shipping them to various parts of the country and even overseas. This not only brings tangible economic benefits to the farmers but also injects new vitality into the development of local rural areas.
This phenomenon of “new farmers” is not just an agricultural industry case but a vivid practice of China’s rural revitalization strategy. It tells us that with innovation and determination, even the most ordinary agricultural products can become the golden key to wealth for farmers.
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