据泄露的消息,科技巨头谷歌正计划为Google Workspace用户提供两款新的企业级服务版本:Gemini Enterprise和Gemini Business。这些新服务将向客户提供Gemini Ultra 1.0的访问权限,并为企业提供高级数据保护功能。

Gemini Enterprise和Gemini Business的推出将进一步加强谷歌在企业云端服务市场的竞争力。据悉,这些新服务旨在满足企业客户对数据安全和高效办公工具的严格要求。通过提供企业级数据保护,谷歌旨在帮助企业更好地管理和保护其敏感信息,防止数据泄露和未经授权的访问。

此外,Gemini Ultra 1.0的访问权限将为企业用户提供更多高级功能和权限,进一步提高他们的工作效率。这些功能可能包括高级数据分析工具、定制化的报告和仪表板等功能,以帮助企业更好地分析和理解其业务数据。


英文标题:Google Unveils New Enterprise Services for Google Workspace
Keywords: Google, Google Workspace, Enterprise Services

News content:
According to leaked information, technology giant Google is planning to launch two new enterprise-grade service versions for Google Workspace users: Gemini Enterprise and Gemini Business. These new services will provide customers with access to Gemini Ultra 1.0 and offer advanced data protection for businesses.

The launch of Gemini Enterprise and Gemini Business will further strengthen Google’s position in the enterprise cloud services market. Reportedly, these new services are designed to meet the stringent requirements of enterprise clients for data security and efficient office tools. By offering enterprise-grade data protection, Google aims to help businesses better manage and secure their sensitive information, preventing data breaches and unauthorized access.

Moreover, access to Gemini Ultra 1.0 will provide enterprise users with more advanced features and permissions, further increasing their productivity. These features may include advanced data analysis tools, customized reports, and dashboards, to help businesses better analyze and understand their business data.

The introduction of these new service versions marks Google’s further expansion into the enterprise services market. As more businesses transition to cloud services, Google stands to attract more enterprise clients and expand its influence in the enterprise market by offering more services tailored to the needs of enterprise customers.


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