


With the tech giantByte跳动 stepping up its research and development in AI products,Tech星球’s latest report sheds light on the latest progress of the company in the AI field.According to the report,various departments under ByteTick,including Douyin E-commerce and Quantum Engine,are witnessing in-depth application of AI technology.Among them,the Flow department has been the most active,launching AI products like Doubao and Kouzi,as well as actively developing AI character interaction apps like “Hua Lu” and a potential image AI product “PicPic”.

It is worth noting that according to sources,the monthly active users of “Doubao” launched by the Flow department reached 2 million in December last year and doubled in January this year.This shows the popularity and market influence of ByteTick’s AI products.

In addition,according to exclusive information from Tech星球,ByteTick’s vice president of products and strategy,Zhu Jun,is now responsible for the product line of the Flow department,indicating the importance of the AI product line of ByteTick and its continuous investment in the field in the future.


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