Title: “Mother of Love” in Xi’an Wishes for the Realization of All Her “Lies”
Keywords: Mother of Love, New Year’s Wish, Lie Realization
News content:
In Xi’an, there is a woman known as the “Mother of Love,” whose New Year’s wish is for all the “lies” she has told to be realized. Her name is Li Xue, a selfless donor who has long been committed to helping those in need.
Li Xue’s New Year’s wish has attracted widespread attention, with many people questioning why she would wish for the realization of the lies she has told. In reality, these so-called “lies” are comforting and encouraging words spoken by Li Xue to those she helps. She hopes to fulfill these “lies” and improve the lives of those she has assisted.
Li Xue’s wish is not only for those she helps but also for herself. She hopes to feel satisfied and happy by realizing these “lies.”
The wish of Li Xue has garnered attention and support from all sectors of society. Many people have expressed their willingness to help Li Xue fulfill her wish and benefit more people.
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