Title: The Patrol Soldiers’ Map Trace
Keywords: Border Patrol, Map Trace, Eight-hour Duty
News content:
In the remote border region of Ricuza, Southwest China, there is a group of patrol soldiers who are responsible for safeguarding the national border. Their daily task is to patrol across this vast land. For them, a simple stroke on the map represents eight hours of their footprints on the ground.
“The distance covered by a stroke on the map is the eight hours we patrol.” This is a quote from a patrol soldier, a profound interpretation of their duties. Here, every kilometer is fraught with hardship, every patrol is filled with danger. Yet, they face it all without fear, because they know that behind them are their homes, their people.
These patrol soldiers leave their footprints in every corner of the border, their vigilance making every inch of the border secure. Their story is a microcosm of the border stories, and a vivid representation of the Chinese story.
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