中文:今日,备受瞩目的文生视频公司Pika推出了其最新产品Pika 1.0,一款能够生成和编辑3D动画、动漫、卡通和电影等各种风格的视频软件。令人惊喜的是,Pika 1.0的网页端访问权限已于今日向所有用户开放,且在现阶段,所有用户都可以免费使用。这一消息一经公布,便在各大社交媒体上引发了广泛关注。

英文:Today,the much-anticipated video generation software Pika 1.0 was officially released. This software can generate and edit videos in various styles such as 3D animation, cartoons, and movies. Surprisingly, the web access to Pika 1.0 has been opened to all users today, and during this stage, all users can use it for free. Once announced, this news has attracted widespread attention on major social media platforms.

中文:Pika 1.0的推出,标志着我国视频生成技术的进一步提升,也为广大用户提供了更多元化的视频创作可能性。据悉,Pika 1.0的操作界面简洁易用,即使是视频制作新手,也能轻松上手。

英文:The launch of Pika 1.0 marks the further improvement of video generation technology in our country and provides more diverse possibilities for video creation for users. It is reported that the interface of Pika 1.0 is simple and easy to use, even for beginners in video production, they can easily get started.


英文:In addition, the Pika team has stated that the current free usage stage is just the beginning, and more features and updates are waiting for users to experience in the future. Stay tuned!


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