Title: 5G-A era dawns in Hainan with 10-fold network capacity boost
Keywords: 5G-A, Hainan, commercialization
News content:
Recently, with the launch of the 5G-Advanced (5G-A) mobile communication site in Qionghai Boao, Hainan Province officially entered the era of large-scale commercialization of 5G-A mobile communication networks. Compared to 5G, the capabilities of connection speed and latency of 5G-A have significantly improved by up to 10 times.
Representatives from China Mobile Hainan Company said that the commercialization of 5G-A networks will inject strong momentum into various fields in Hainan, such as information consumption, industrial upgrading, and smart city construction. In addition, 5G-A technology will also help the development of Hainan International Tourism, International Trade, and Modern Service Industry, further promoting the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port.
China Mobile Communication Group Hainan Company (hereinafter referred to as “China Mobile Hainan”) will continue to promote the construction and optimization of 5G-A networks throughout the province to meet the demands of users in various fields, such as high-definition videos, remote healthcare, and industrial internet. This move will also help maintain China’s leading position in the field of next-generation mobile communication technologies.
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