中新社北京2月2日电 (马帅莎 张未 高磊)2月2日,探月工程四期中继星(鹊桥二号卫星)空运抵达海南美兰国际机场,随后通过公路运输方式运送至中国文昌航天发射场。后续按计划进行发射前各项测试准备工作。
英文标题Title:China’s Lunar probe relay satellite arrives in Hainan for launch
英文关键词Keywords:Lunar probe, Relay satellite, Hainan
英文新闻内容News content:
On February 2nd, the relay satellite of the fourth phase of China’s lunar probe project, known as the Magpie Bridge No. 2 Satellite, arrived at Meilan International Airport in Hainan by air and was subsequently transported to the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan by road. Preparations for the pre-launch tests are scheduled to proceed as planned.
Chinese summary: The relay satellite of the fourth phase of the lunar probe project has arrived in Hainan and is ready to proceed with pre-launch preparations.
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