AI 硬件和操作系统初创公司 Rabbit 近日在 CES 2024 大展上,推出了一款售价 199 美元的智能终端 R1,旨在改变用户与应用程序的交互方式。R1 的外观类似于 Playdate 游戏机或 90 年代手持电视的现代版本,是一个独立的小设备,大约是 iPhone 的一半大小。

R1 配备了 2.88 英寸的触摸屏、一个旋转摄像头用于拍照和录像,以及一个滚动轮/按钮。用户可以按它来导航或与设备内置助手交谈。Rabbit 公司希望通过这款产品,利用人工智能技术革新智能手机市场。

R1 集成了先进的 AI 技术,能够根据用户的使用习惯和喜好进行自我学习,提供更个性化的服务。此外,R1 还可以与智能家居设备连接,实现全方位的智能控制。

Rabbit 公司的创始人兼 CEO,李宇春表示:“我们希望通过 R1,让用户拥有更加便捷、智能的交互体验。人工智能技术的发展使得我们可以重新定义手机,让沟通更加简单、高效。”


News Title: AI Startup Rabbit Challenges Smartphone Market
Keywords: AI palmtop computer, R1, intelligent interaction

News Content:
AI hardware and operating system startup Rabbit recently launched an intelligent terminal R1 at the CES 2024 exhibition, aiming to change the way users interact with applications. The R1, priced at $199, resembles a modern version of the Playdate game console or 90s handheld TV. It’s an independent small device, about half the size of an iPhone.

Equipped with a 2.88-inch touch screen, a rotatable camera for shooting and recording, and a scrolling wheel/button, users can press it to navigate or chat with the device’s built-in assistant. Rabbit hopes to revolutionize the smartphone market with this product.

The R1 integrates advanced AI technology, which can learn from users’ habits and preferences to provide more personalized services. Additionally, R1 can connect with smart home devices to achieve comprehensive intelligent control.

Rabbit’s founder and CEO, Li Yuchun said, “We hope to provide users with a more convenient and intelligent interaction experience through R1. The development of artificial intelligence allows us to redefine smartphones and make communication simpler and more efficient.


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