
在近日举行的世界经济论坛上,微软CEO萨提亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)接受了世界经济论坛主席、德国经济学家克劳斯·施瓦布(Klaus Schwab)的采访。采访中,纳德拉多次强调人工智能(AI)发展的必要性和安全性。他表示,此次AI革命的影响甚至不亚于当初PC(个人电脑)普及。



News Title: Microsoft CEO: AI revolution impact rivals PC proliferation
Keywords: AI development, PC proliferation, new interfaces

News Content:
At the recent World Economic Forum, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella accepted an interview with Forum President and German economist Klaus Schwab. In the interview, Nadella emphasized the necessity and security of artificial intelligence (AI) development. He said that the impact of the AI revolution is not less than that of the initial PC (personal computer) proliferation.

Nadella believes that with the rapid development of AI, it will provide new interfaces and models for application programs. This viewpoint highlights his confidence in AI technology and his aspirations for future development. He said that AI technology will change the way humans live and bring unprecedented opportunities to all industries.

During the interview, Nadella also talked about the challenges of AI technology in the security aspect. He believes that ensuring the security of AI technology is crucial in the process of development. Therefore, Microsoft always puts security principles first in AI research and development, striving for the healthy and sustainable development of AI technology.


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