Title: Former Google Engineer Xu Peng Joins Ant Group, Takes Charge of NextEvo
According to 36Kr, former Google engineer Xu Peng has formally joined Ant Group and assumed the position of leader of its internal AI innovation research and application department, NextEvo.
It is understood that NextEvo is a special elite department within Ant Group, responsible for all core technology development work of the company, including all research and development work of its flagship product “Ant Eliciting” large model. Xu Peng worked at Google for 11 years, during which he was mainly in charge of and led the core technical research and development of Google Translate, and actively participated in the algorithm development of Google Display Advertising System.
Xu Peng’s professional background and rich experience无疑将为蚂蚁集团在人工智能领域的技术创新注入新的动力。他的加入不仅表明了蚂蚁集团对AI技术的重视,也显示出公司在吸引和留住优秀人才方面的决心和实力。
It can be expected that under Xu Peng’s leadership, NextEvo will continue to play its advantages in AI technology research and development, provide strong technical support for Ant Group’s products and services, and promote the company’s innovative development.
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