Title: “Hubei Yichang’s Innovative Winter Holiday Assignments Draw Attention: Playing ‘Guan De’ as a School-Based Course”
Keywords: Playing ‘Guan De’ Winter Holiday Assignments, New Semester School-Based Courses, Parental Support
Content: Recently, the Tianwen Education Group in Yichang, Hubei, has promoted the activity of “Everyone Learning to Play ‘Guan De'” during the winter vacation and included it in their new semester school-based courses, which has attracted widespread attention.
According to relevant officials from the Tianwen Education Group, they conducted prior research and decided to include this activity as part of the new semester’s school-based courses after seeking parental opinions. The official emphasized that this is not a compulsory course but rather an option for students to learn and have fun.
Some parents expressed support for this approach. They believe that playing games can exercise children’s thinking skills and teamwork spirit, and it is also an interesting way of learning. However, some parents hold opposing views, worrying that their children may become overly addicted to playing games and negatively impact their studies and physical and mental health.
Regardless, this issue reminds us that games are not entirely useless, but they cannot be used “as one size fits all.” While using games as educational tools, we must also consider how to control the time and frequency of game play to avoid negative impacts on students.
In general, education should not only focus on knowledge transmission, but also on cultivating students’ comprehensive abilities. Therefore, allowing students to learn through games not only raises their interest but also helps them develop well-rounded qualities throughout their growth process.
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