【IT之家报道】近日,备受关注的比亚迪元 UP 车型终于揭开了神秘面纱。据内部人士透露,比亚迪元 UP 预计将推出三款不同配置的车型,预扣提车价从120,000元起,指导价增加了3,000元。而值得关注的是,元 UP 车型在设计、配置和动力等方面都有所提升。

首先,在设计上,比亚迪元 UP 采用了比亚迪王朝系列家族式的设计语言,前端配备封闭式前格栅、流线型 LED 日间行车灯,搭配点阵型大灯组,整体呈现出一种圆润且时尚的感觉。同时,侧面采用悬浮式车顶造型、半隐藏式门把手设计,进一步提升了整车的动感与时尚感。

其次,在配置上,比亚迪元 UP 提供了多种选装配置,如全景天幕、前格栅饰板、轮辋等。而值得关注的是,新车系统一采用【果敢粉】外观内饰颜色,使得车辆更具个性化。

最后,在动力方面,比亚迪元 UP 采用前置单电机布局,提供两种电动机型号,最大功率分别为70kW和130kW。新车搭载磷酸铁锂刀片电池,这也是比亚迪品牌的一种最新技术。


总的来说,作为一款全新的新能源车型,比亚迪元 UP 在设计、配置和动力等方面都展现出了比亚迪品牌的诚意。相信在不久的将来,这款新车将会成为市场上的一大热门话题。


Title: BYD’s clairvoyant Unveils Predictable Base Price! 401 km Range of 120,000 Yuan, Three Models Completely Priced

Keywords: BYD’s clairvoyant, Predictable Base Price, Configurable Options.

Newspaper article: Recently, the much-awaited BYD’s clairvoyant has finally revealed its true face. According to sources from inside the company, BYD’s clairvoyant is expected to launch three different models with a starting price of 120,000 yuan, which is an increase of 3,000 yuan over the recommended price. Notably, the clairvoyant model has been upgraded in design, configuration, and power.

Firstly, in terms of design, BYD’s clairvoyant adopts the design language of BYD’s Dynasty series. The front features a closed grille and streamlined LED headlights, combined with pointillist headlights, giving off a round and fashionable feel. Meanwhile, the side uses a suspended roof shape and hidden door handle design, further enhancing the vehicle’s dynamic and sense of fashion.

Secondly, in terms of configuration, BYD’s clairvoyant offers various optional upgrades, such as a full panoramic skyscope, front grille inserts, and wheel covers. Notably, the new car system features a ” Brave Heart Red” exterior and interior color scheme, making the vehicle even more personalized.

Lastly, in terms of power, BYD’s clairvoyant adopts a front-mounted single motor layout, offering two electric motor models with maximum outputs of 70 kW and 130 kW, respectively. The new car is equipped with a phosphate iron Li battery, which is also a new technology for BYD brand.

It should be noted that the pre-delivery price is the price charged by the distributor from the factory, and the price may vary depending on whether it is increased or reduced, usually higher than the official market price. The pre-price announced here is only a reference and the final price should be confirmed by the actual price after the official release.

Overall, as a new energy vehicle, BYD’s clairvoyant demonstrates BYD’s commitment to design, configuration, and power. It is believed that in the near future, this new car will become a hot topic in the market.


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