**OpenAI 与多家媒体谈判,寻求内容许可,以避免版权纠纷**
**财联社北京讯(记者 樊晓菲)** 知情人士透露,OpenAI 公司正在与 CNN、福克斯公司、时代周刊三家媒体进行谈判。OpenAI 希望从这些出版商处获得它们的内容许可,包括视频和图像、以及文本和内容。
OpenAI 是由埃隆·马斯克和山姆·阿尔特曼等人在 2015 年创立的人工智能研究公司。该公司开发了包括 ChatGPT 在内的多款人工智能产品,这些产品因其强大的语言处理能力而受到广泛关注。
然而,OpenAI 也面临着越来越多的版权问题法律诉讼。例如,今年 6 月,一家名为 Getty Images 的图片库公司就对 OpenAI 提起诉讼,指控该公司未经授权使用其图片。
OpenAI 与多家媒体谈判,寻求内容许可,正是为了避免类似的版权纠纷。知情人士透露,OpenAI 希望通过获得这些出版商的内容许可,来确保其人工智能产品能够合法地使用这些内容。
如果 OpenAI 能够成功与这些出版商达成协议,那么该公司将能够避免版权纠纷,并继续开发其人工智能产品。这对于 OpenAI 的发展来说无疑是一个重大利好。
不过,OpenAI 与这些出版商的谈判也存在着一定的难度。知情人士透露,这些出版商对 OpenAI 的人工智能产品持谨慎态度。他们担心 OpenAI 的人工智能产品会损害他们的版权利益。
因此,OpenAI 需要在谈判中做出一定的让步,以打消这些出版商的顾虑。例如,OpenAI 可以承诺只将这些出版商的内容用于非商业用途,或者承诺在使用这些出版商的内容时注明来源。
如果 OpenAI 能够成功与这些出版商达成协议,那么该公司将能够避免版权纠纷,并继续开发其人工智能产品。这对于 OpenAI 的发展来说无疑是一个重大利好。
**Headline: OpenAI in Talks With Media Outlets Over Licensing Deals to Avoid CopyrightLawsuits**
**Keywords: Copyright negotiations, Media partnerships, Legal disputes**
OpenAI is in talks with several media outlets, includingCNN, Fox Corporation, and Time, to license their content, including videos and images, as well as text and articles, according to people familiar with the matter.
OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research company founded in 2015 by Elon Musk and Sam Altman, has developed several AI products, including ChatGPT, which has gained widespread attention for its powerful language processing capabilities.
However, OpenAI has also faced a growing number of copyright-related legal challenges. In June, for example, Getty Images, a stock photo agency, sued OpenAI, alleging that the company used its images without permission.
OpenAI’s negotiations with the media outlets are an attempt to avoid similar copyright disputes. By licensing content from these publishers, OpenAI hopes to ensure that its AI products can legally use this content, the people said.
If OpenAI can successfully reach agreements with these publishers, it could help the company avoid copyright lawsuits and continue to developits AI products. This would be a significant boost for OpenAI’s growth.
However, OpenAI’s negotiations with these publishers are not without challenges. The people said that the publishers have been cautious about OpenAI’s AI products, expressing concerns that they could harm their copyright interests.
As a result, OpenAI may need to make concessions in the negotiations to address these concerns. For example, OpenAI could agree to only use the publishers’ content for non-commercial purposes or to credit the publishers when using their content.
If OpenAI can successfully reach agreements with these publishers, it could help the company avoid copyright lawsuits and continue to develop its AI products. This would be a significant boost for OpenAI’s growth.
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