





Title: “Ant Group Sets its Foot on AI Innovation with the Establishment of NextEvo, Led by Xu Peng”

Keywords: Ant Group, AI Innovation Department, Xu Peng

Content: Ant Group recently announced the establishment of its AI Innovation Department, NextEvo, aimed at strengthening its research and development capabilities in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). It was reported that Xu Peng, Vice President of Ant Group, will be responsible for the department. He used to be an AI engineer at Google, leading the core technology development of Google Translate and participating in the algorithm development of Google Display Advertising System.

NextEvo is an elite AI department within Ant Group, responsible for all core technology research and development of Ant AI, including the development of Alipay’s Bailing model. This move demonstrates Ant Group’s emphasis and investment in AI technology and predicts that the company will play a more important role in the future financial sector.

As an Internet financial giant with over 1 billion users, Ant Group has been exploring how to apply AI technology to its business. Through the establishment of NextEvo, Ant Group hopes to better utilize AI technology to enhance its competitiveness and innovation ability, while making greater contributions to the development of China’s and even global financial technology.

In addition, NextEvo will continue to recruit more outstanding talents to join the team and promote the application and development of AI technology in the financial sector. It is believed that we will see more innovative achievements and application scenarios from NextEvo in the near future.


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