Title: Rakuten Group Plans to Launch Large Language Model and Join the Competition in the Field of Artificial Intelligence
Keywords: Rakuten Group, Large Language Model, Artificial Intelligence
The Japanese conglomerate Rakuten Group plans to launch its own large language model within the next two months in order to join other tech companies in developing this rapidly growing technology. The CEO of the company, Hiroshi Mikitani, stated in an interview on Monday that the move is aimed at better serving customers and enhancing their experience.
Currently, artificial intelligence language models have become a target for pursuit among major tech companies. With continuous technological advancements, more and more businesses are realizing that utilizing AI technology can bring more business opportunities and innovation points to their operations.
As a financial technology and e-commerce giant, the launch of Rakuten Group’s large language model will undoubtedly provide more possibilities for its business expansion. By using AI technology, Rakuten Group can better understand customer needs and provide more personalized services to them.
In addition, AI language models can also be applied to other areas of Rakuten Group’s business, such as online shopping and financial services. By analyzing users’ language behavior and preferences, Rakuten Group can better recommend products and services, improving sales and customer satisfaction.
Overall, Rakuten Group’s decision to launch its large language model is a very wise one. As AI technology continues to develop and be applied, it is believed that this enterprise will achieve even greater success in the future.
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