Title: “AI Big Model Saves the World Fails, China’s Smart Speaker Sales Decline 19.8%: Lutus Technology Report Reveals New Market Trends”
Keywords: Smart Speakers, Sales Decline, AI Big Model
Content: In 2023, the sales of smart speakers in China reached 21.11 million units, a decrease of 19.8% year-on-year, with a market value of 5.94 billion yuan, a decrease of 21.0% year-on-year. According to the monthly tracking report on the retail market for Chinese smart speakers released by Lutus Technology, even AI big models such as ChatGPT have not become saviors for smart speakers. The smart speaker market has been relatively stable since 2018, with a small share held by a few major companies and a lack of broader and more comprehensive competition. Looking ahead to 2024, it is estimated that the size of China’s smart speaker market will decline to 18.6 million units, a decrease of 11.9%.
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