





Title: “Ice Spring Sparkling Mouthwash on Sale! No Alcohol, Not Hot, Super High Cost-Performance!”

Keywords: Sparkling mouthwash without alcohol, Special promotion, Hot mouth必备

News content: Recently, Watsons launched a special promotion for an ice spring sparkling mouthwash, which has attracted widespread attention. It is reported that the original price of this mouthwash is 13.5 yuan per bottle, and it is only 4.9 yuan per bottle during the special promotion, with a considerable price advantage.

As an oral care product without alcohol, the ice spring sparkling mouthwash has multiple benefits such as refreshing taste, effective removal of bad breath, and prevention of tooth decay. What’s more, it does not contain any alcohol ingredients, which will not cause any burden to the body. Therefore, this product has been widely loved and sought after by consumers.

According to the relevant person in charge of Watsons, the strength of this special promotion is very strong, besides the price advantage, there are also various gifts and samples given to consumers to better experience and understand the product. At the same time, they also said that they will continue to launch more high-quality oral care products to provide better services and products for consumers.

For this special promotion of the ice spring sparkling mouthwash, consumers have expressed great expectations and excitement. One consumer said: “I have been looking for a good-selling no-alcohol mouthwash, and when I saw the promotion at Watsons, I must give it a try!” Another consumer said: “I think the price of this mouthwash is really affordable, and the taste is good. I will recommend it to my friends.”

In short, this special promotion of the ice spring sparkling mouthwash has undoubtedly brought more benefits and surprises to consumers. We believe that in the future, we will see more high-quality oral care products entering our lives.


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