Title: Dust Explosion at a Jiangsu Company Leaves 8 Dead and 8 Injured, Ministry of Emergency Management Urges Full Search and Rescue Operations
Keywords: Dust explosion, rescue and disposal, aftermath
On January 20th at 3:38 AM, a dust explosion occurred in a production workshop of Changzhou Xunrong Metal Technology Co., Ltd. in Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province. The incident resulted in the death of eight people and injuries to eight others. Upon receiving reports, Wang Xiangxi, Minister of Emergency Management, immediately made arrangements to scientifically organize resources and conduct full-scale search and rescue operations for missing persons while properly handling the aftermath and conducting an investigation into the cause of the accident.
According to a statement on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Management, the dust explosion occurred at 3:38 AM on January 20th in Changzhou Xunrong Metal Technology Co., Ltd. in Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, resulting in eight deaths and eight injuries. After receiving reports, Wang Xiangxi, Minister of Emergency Management, immediately made arrangements to scientifically organize resources and conduct full-scale search and rescue operations for missing persons while properly handling the aftermath and conducting an investigation into the cause of the accident.
Currently, rescue efforts are underway. It is reported that after the incident, the local government quickly activated its emergency response plan, establishing a scene command headquarters and organizing firefighting and medical rescue forces to rush to the scene for rescue work. At the same time, police and environmental protection departments have also been involved in investigating the cause of the accident.
The Ministry of Emergency Management said it would strengthen supervision of enterprises’ safety production, strictly implement responsibility for safety production, and ensure that similar accidents do not occur again. At the same time, it also reminded enterprises and the public to strengthen their safety awareness and improve their prevention capabilities.
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