Title: “Li Feifei and Wu Enda Predict: AI Will Spark a Revolution in 2024 with Multimodal Models!”
Keywords: AI, multimodal models, regulatory dialogue
News Content: Title: Li Feifei and Wu Enda Predict 10 Trends in AI for 2024, GPU Shortage May Promote a Big Bang of AI Agents
According to the report by Xin Zhiyuan, tech celebrities such as Bill Gates, Li Feifei, and Wu Enda recently predicted the development of artificial intelligence (AI) in 2024. They unanimously believe that with the resolution of the GPU shortage problem, AI agents will experience a big boom within one year.
2023 is hailed as the first year of a large-scale model explosion, and various AI models have made significant achievements in various fields. However, as technology advances, people’s demand for larger and more advanced AI models is also increasing. Bill Gates, Li Feifei, and Wu Enda expressed their anticipation for this.
They predict that AI in 2024 will pay more attention to the development of multimodal models, which will enable AI to better understand and process complex data types such as images, sounds, and text. At the same time, they also look forward to seeing more exciting new functions of AI, bringing more convenience to people’s lives.
In addition, they emphasized the importance of conversations around the use and regulation of AI technology. As AI technology is widely applied, how to use it reasonably and effectively regulate it to ensure its healthy development has become an urgent issue to be solved.
Overall, these predictions provide us with a picture of a future full of challenges and opportunities. We have reason to believe that with the progress of technology, AI will play a greater role in the coming years.
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