Title: Kuaishou Joins Hands with Ctrip, One-stop Shop for Travel Products!
Keywords: 1. Kuaishou-Ctrip partnership
Content: Title: Ctrip and Kuaishou Sign Strategic Cooperation, Users Can Now Buy Scenic Area Tickets on Kuaishou App
Main Text: Recently, Ctrip Travel and Kuaishou Local Life announced a strategic cooperation, marking Ctrip’s entry into the Kuaishou Local Life ecosystem to provide travel products and services for Kuaishou users. According to Ctrip, it will gradually integrate its优选 product supply chain of scenic area tickets, holiday packages, etc. into the Kuaishou platform. Currently, Kuaishou users can directly book travel products such as scenic area tickets on the Kuaishou platform and enjoy the services provided by Ctrip Travel.
Kuaishou’s interactive tourism users have exceeded 220 million, including more than 350,000 alcohol-themed travel creators. Many tourism-related organizations have also joined the platform. In his internal letter, Kuaishou Chairman and CEO Cheng Yixiao disclosed that in 2023, Kuaishou achieved its first group-wide profit since the company’s listing.
Ctrip’s Q3 2023 financial report data shows its revenue of RMB13.75 billion, up 99% from RMB6.90 billion in the same period last year. Ctrip’s net profit in the third quarter was RMB4.6 billion, compared to RMB245 million in the same period of 2022.
This collaboration will not only further enrich Kuaishou’s local life services but also bring more user and business opportunities to Ctrip. At the same time, it also indicates that the integration trend between the tourism industry and short video platforms is becoming increasingly apparent. In the future, more tourism products and services may be promoted and sold through short video platforms.
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