Title: “2024 Spring Festival: Boom in Southeast Asia, Ice and Snow Tourism Takes the Spotlight in China”
Keywords: 1. Spring Festival in Southeast Asia, 2. Ice and Snow Tourism in China, 3. Tourism Trend
Content: As the 2024 Spring Festival approaches, the tourism market is gradually heating up. According to the latest data, this year’s hotspots for Spring Festival travel are mainly in Southeast Asia and domestic ice and snow tourism.
In Southeast Asia, due to its relatively close geographical location, cultural similarities, and visa conveniences, this region has become one of the most popular destinations for Chinese tourists during the Spring Festival. Countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, and Singapore have received a large number of Chinese tourists. In addition, the tropical charm and cuisine of Southeast Asia have also attracted many Chinese tourists to experience them.
Domestically, ice and snow tourism has become another highlight of Spring Festival travel. With the successful hosting of the 2022 Winter Olympics, more and more people have begun to pay attention to and participate in ice and snow sports. Therefore, this year during the Spring Festival, ice and snow tourism products in Northeast China’s Harbin and Jilin provinces have been highly sought after. In addition, Beijing and Zhangjiakou have launched a series of ice and snow activities and competitions, attracting a large number of tourists.
In conclusion, during the 2024 Spring Festival, Southeast Asia and domestic ice and snow tourism have become the hottest tourist destinations. This not only reflects the prosperity and development of China’s tourism industry but also shows people’s pursuit and longing for a better life.
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