微软近日对其AI图像生成器Bing Image Creator进行了品牌名称的更改。这款基于OpenAI旗下DALL-E模型的服务,可以根据用户的上下文内容和艺术风格生成独特的照片。此次更名是微软继Bing Chat后第二次放弃了Bing(必应)品牌前缀。

去年3月,微软推出了Bing Image Creator服务,该功能可以根据用户的上下文内容、艺术风格,生成各种符合用户需要的独特照片。如今,微软“改名部”将其更名为“Designer中的Image Creator”,或简单的“Image Creator”。

尽管名称发生了变化,但相关AI服务功能并未有调整,用户依然可以在相关AI聊天页面中切换到创意(Creative)模式,之后便可体验Image Creator功能。




Title: Microsoft’s “Name Change Department”: AI Image Generator Bing Image Creator Becomes Image Creator as a Standalone Brand

Keywords: Microsoft, Bing Image Creator, Image Creator

Content: Microsoft has recently changed the brand name of its AI image generator, Bing Image Creator. This service, based on the OpenAI DALL-E model, can generate unique photos based on the user’s context and artistic style. This rebranding is Microsoft’s second departure from the Bing (Bing) brand prefix after Bing Chat.

Last March, Microsoft launched the Bing Image Creator service, which can generate various unique photos that meet users’ needs based on their context and artistic style. Now, Microsoft’s “Name Change Department” has renamed it “Image Creator in Designer”, or simply “Image Creator”.

Although the name has changed, the related AI service functions have not been adjusted. Users can still switch to Creative mode in the relevant AI chat page to experience Image Creator functionality.

In response, Microsoft stated: “Bing is still a well-known brand and synonymous with search technology. The associated search technology continues to power Microsoft’s AI capabilities, and Microsoft is committed to becoming a leader in the search industry.”

This rebranding may be Microsoft’s ongoing optimization and adjustment of its product line to better adapt to its strategic goals. At the same time, it also demonstrates Microsoft’s efforts to enhance its leadership position in AI and search technology.


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