Title: “Only 269 Yuan Refunded for a 6,000 Yuan Airline Ticket: Lawyers Decode: Overbearing Clause or Reasonable Regulation?”
Keywords: 1. Refund of airline tickets
Content: Recently, Mr. Gong from Shanghai purchased an air ticket worth 6,338 yuan (including tax). However, after making the payment for just one minute, Mr. Gong checked the date again and realized that he had bought the wrong date. He immediately contacted the customer service, and the staff stated that if the ticket includes the words “No refund,” only fuel surcharges would be refunded, totaling 269 yuan.
This situation has sparked widespread concern, with some calling it an overbearing clause. In response, we consulted lawyers. The lawyer explained that according to the provisions of the People’s Republic of China Law on Consumer Rights Protection, consumers can claim a refund, exchange or repair if the goods they purchase or services they receive do not meet the requirements of safeguarding personal and property safety. However, if the ticket explicitly states “No refund,” the merchant has the right to reject the consumer’s request for a refund.
However, the lawyer also pointed out that in this case, the merchant should provide detailed explanations and reasonable solutions, such as exchanging the same class of air ticket for the consumer. If the merchant merely refuses to refund due to “No refund,” it may potentially infringe upon the consumer’s rights.
Regarding Mr. Gong’s situation, the lawyer suggested that he could try to negotiate with the airline or file a complaint with the Consumer Rights Protection Department. At the same time, he reminded consumers to carefully check flight information when purchasing tickets to avoid similar issues.
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