英特尔近日在“让 AI 无处不在”活动上发布了首款内置 AI 加速引擎 NPU 的酷睿 Ultra 移动处理器,标志着其 40 年来最重大的架构变革。
据了解,这款处理器是首款基于 Intel 4 制程工艺打造的处理器,采用了英特尔首个用于客户端的片上 AI 加速器“神经网络处理单元(NPU)”,将高能效 AI 加速提升到了新的高度,带来 2.5 倍于上一代产品的能效表现。
英特尔酷睿 Ultra 处理器的发布,不仅是英特尔在 AI 领域的一次重要突破,也是其在移动处理器市场的一次重要布局。这款处理器的出现,将为移动设备带来更强大的 AI 处理能力,进一步提升移动设备的智能化水平。
英特尔表示,未来将继续加大对 AI 技术的研发投入,推动 AI 技术的发展和应用,以满足用户对于智能化产品的需求。同时,英特尔也将继续优化其产品线,以提供更优质的产品和服务。
此次发布的酷睿 Ultra 处理器,无疑将为英特尔在 AI 领域的发展注入新的活力,也将为移动设备市场带来新的机遇。我们期待英特尔能够在未来的发展中,继续引领科技潮流,推动 AI 技术的发展和应用。
“News Headline: Intel Releases First Core i7 Ultra Processor with Integrated AI Engine
Keywords: Intel, AI Acceleration, Core i7 Ultra
News Content: Intel recently unveiled its first Core i7 Ultra mobile processor with an integrated AI acceleration engine NPU at the “Making AI Everywhere” event, marking its most significant architectural change in 40 years.
It is understood that this processor is the first to be built on Intel’s 4th generation process technology, featuring Intel’s first on-chip AI accelerator for client devices, the Neural Processing Unit (NPU). This brings high-efficiency AI acceleration to new heights, delivering 2.5 times the energy efficiency of the previous generation.
The release of Intel’s Core i7 Ultra processor is not only a significant breakthrough for Intel in the AI field but also an important move in the mobile processor market. The appearance of this processor will bring more powerful AI processing capabilities to mobile devices, further enhancing their level of intelligence.
Intel stated that it will continue to increase investment in AI technology research and development, promote the development and application of AI technology, and meet users’ demands for intelligent products. At the same time, Intel will continue to optimize its product line to provide better products and services.
The released Core i7 Ultra processor will undoubtedly inject new vitality into Intel’s development in the AI field and bring new opportunities to the mobile device market. We look forward to Intel continuing to lead the technological trend in future development and promoting the development and application of AI technology.”
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