
苹果公司近日宣布将关闭其位于加州圣地亚哥的 AI 部门,这支拥有 121 人的团队目前正在进行重组,部分员工将调往得州并与奥斯汀团队合并。这支 121 人的团队被称为“AI 数据操作注释团队(Data Operations Annotations)”,主要负责“Siri 数据运营”。

据报道,该团队的成员于本周三收到通知:他们必须在 2 月底之前决定是否前往奥斯汀,如果拒绝调岗则将在 4 月 26 日被解雇。此次裁员的消息是由苹果人工智能主管 John Giannandrea 高级副手 Christine DeFilippo 宣布的,而且该公司的一名女发言人也证实了这一决定。

这意味着这 121 人中可能会有很大一部分人面临失业风险,引发了人们对苹果战略的担忧。然而,即使在经济形势不稳、其他科技巨头争相裁员的情况下,苹果公司仍在尽其所能帮助保住员工的工作。为了实现这个目标,该公司从 2022 年夏季就开始努力控制成本、提高运营效率。

CEO 蒂姆·库克曾表示,裁员将是“最后的手段”,但显然库克并没有完全排除裁员的可能性。苹果公司一直致力于为员工提供稳定的工作环境和良好的福利待遇。


“Headline: Apple Lays Off Employees in San Diego AI Team, 121 Workers Face Reassignment or Dismissal

Keywords: Apple layoffs, San Diego AI team, reassignment and consolidation

Content: Apple recently announced the closure of its AI department in San Diego, California, with a team of 121 employees currently undergoing restructuring. Some employees will be transferred to Texas and merged with the Austin team. The 121-person team, known as the “AI Data Operations Annotations” team, is primarily responsible for “Siri data operations.”

According to reports, members of the team received notice on Wednesday that they must decide whether to move to Austin by the end of February. If they refuse to transfer, they will be dismissed on April 26. The news of the layoffs was announced by Christine DeFilippo, a senior deputy to Apple’s AI chief John Giannandrea, and a company spokeswoman confirmed the decision.

This means that a significant portion of the 121 employees may face unemployment risks, raising concerns about Apple’s strategy. However, even in the face of economic uncertainty and other tech giants laying off workers, Apple is still doing what it can to help retain employees. To achieve this goal, the company has been working since the summer of 2022 to control costs and improve operational efficiency.

CEO Tim Cook has stated that layoffs will be a “last resort,” but it is clear that Cook has not completely ruled out the possibility of layoffs. Apple has always been committed to providing its employees with a stable work environment and good benefits.”


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