英伟达近日对即将推出的GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER GPU的规格进行了纠正,确认其二级缓存为48MB,而非之前误报的36MB。这一消息来自IT之家1月13日的报道。
据了解,英伟达在上周发布GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER显卡时,规格表中列出的AD104 GPU核心数比RTX 4070提升了20%,但其二级缓存仍为36MB。然而,英伟达现在已经确认,这个数字实际上是笔误,已经更新了产品页面,确认二级缓存和RTX 4070 Ti GPU相同,为48MB。
对于GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER这样的GPU来说,拥有更高的二级缓存非常重要。该GPU配备192位内存总线接口,面向高刷新率的1080p和1440p游戏PC。虽然RTX 4070 SUPER配备了最新的G6X显存,但在某些情况下,显存仍然会变得紧张,会影响游戏速度。
“Headline: NVIDIA Corrects RTX 4070 SUPER Specifications: Secondary Cache Increased from 36MB to 48MB
Keywords: NVIDIA, RTX 4070 SUPER, Secondary Cache
Content: NVIDIA has recently corrected the specifications of the upcoming GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER GPU, confirming that its secondary cache is 48MB, not the previously reported 36MB. This information comes from ITHome’s report on January 13th.
It is understood that when NVIDIA released the GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER graphics card last week, the AD104 GPU core count listed in the specification was 20% higher than the RTX 4070, but its secondary cache remained at 36MB. However, NVIDIA has now confirmed that this figure was actually a mistake and has updated the product page to confirm that the secondary cache is the same as the RTX 4070 Ti GPU, at 48MB.
For a GPU like the GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER, having a higher secondary cache is very important. The GPU is equipped with a 192-bit memory bus interface for high refresh rate gaming PCs targeting 1080p and 1440p resolutions. Although the RTX 4070 SUPER is equipped with the latest G6X memory, the memory can still become tight in some situations, affecting game speed.
This correction of specifications shows NVIDIA’s rigorous attitude towards product quality and also provides consumers with a clearer understanding of its new products. Although the increase in secondary cache may raise the price of the product, it is undoubtedly a worthwhile consideration for players seeking high-performance gaming experiences.”
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